Radical Shift: Mindset, Strategy, Habits & Productivity for Creative Entrepreneurs

How To Negotiate Like a Pro With This Simple Trick

Episode Summary

Would you rather just "go with the flow" than have those difficult conversations? Does the four little works "we need to talk" make your heart race? If so, I got you covered! In this episode, I share one simple tactic that will help you succeed at almost any negotiation, whether it's for money, screen time, or anything else.

Episode Notes

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Carla White is the CEO of Hiro.fm. She is the first woman to launch an iPhone app (top of the charts for 10+ years), high level success coach and a self-proclaimed happiness cattle prod who’s helped countless people transform their personal and professional lives via her apps, public speaking, newsletters, seminars and books. Her #1 bestseller app, Gratitude, has been downloaded by thousands, featured on Oprah, NBC, NYTimes and countless other publications, and continues to grow in popularity around the globe. She shares everything she knows about producing successful apps in her best seller “Idea to iPhone” (2013). Due to popular demand, she now offers direct coaching to powerful thought leaders who want to make an impact and a legacy.

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Episode Transcription

Unknown Speaker  0:00  

What's up radical shifters, you are going to learn how to win a negotiation how to win an argument. Without being pushy without being manipulative without having to be the squeaky wheel who always gets its way, you're going to use some methods that let the other person feel like they got a good deal as well. And you're both going to feel like you came out ahead, I'm going to share exactly how to do that after the intro.


Welcome back radical shifters. I'm your host, Carla White, founder and CEO of Hiro.fm. And I am so grateful that you are here spending this time with me. Now, one thing I know is how many times do you avoid conversations or confrontations simply because they make you so uncomfortable? And you sort of regret that you don't stand your ground. But then in the same breath, you don't even know where to begin? Like you don't have a strategy, other than I need this? Or would you please listen to me, right? It's not really a strategy. So I'm going to give you a very simple tactic that by the end of this, you'll know how to go into any conversation with the strategy. So you both feel like you come out ahead. So the reason I'm talking about this is because just last weekend, or this weekend, couple days ago, I was on a call with a contractor who is going to help me with this project this summer. And when we had our initial conversations about the project, he knew the scope of the work, he knew what I wanted to have done, and he knew my price. But when we sat down on a call and actually talked about it, he told me about other opportunities that he had. And then I said, Well, what do you need to make this make you give my project priority. And we talked about the money that came down to the money, and he wanted a few bucks more an hour per person. Now, a few bucks, more an hour per person doesn't seem like that much at first breaths, right? That's like a Starbucks here and there. But when you add up all the hours, over the duration of the project, it came out to be 1000s of dollars of difference. And in the end, I got him to really lower his price. And come around to my way of thinking. And now he's super enthused. He's really excited about the whole project. And


Unknown Speaker  2:57  

we're really, really thrilled to kick this off. We're going to kick it off next week. So So what I'm going to share with you is a one simple tactic to go into a negotiation with that might just seem rather intuitive. Like, of course, I'm going to do this, but maybe you're not even aware of this. Maybe you've been avoiding those hard conversations because you just didn't know what to do in preparation to a negotiation. So number one is always expect that they're going to counter offer. Alright, so I knew that he was going to counteroffer, I act surprised when he said it. But if and by the way, if you are getting a bid or something and you are not counter offering, if somebody is giving you a salary, and you're not counter offering, you're leaving money on the table, because these people who are in my position that are hiring are should be prepared for that counter offer. Alright, so he went five bucks up more an hour over the offer asking price. Okay, so be prepared, and you had that counteroffer in mind and be prepared if somebody else is going to give you that counteroffer. So I was prepared. I knew that he was gonna ask for more. And I did some general calculations I knew where where I was at my breaking point where I would be comfortable with where I would be comfortable raising my price with but I knew what was over and he hit over. So the first thing I did was I grabbed my phone doo doo doo doo doo did the math a few times figured out some numbers crunched it did worst case best case scenarios that sort of thing. And figured out what my overage what now I knew that in advance, but I did it again in front of him trying to figure it out. So he understood this is where the overreach is and then in advance because I knew that he was going to ask for that. I did some research as to what was My backup plan, what else could I fall back on, and maybe just hire him for this part or that the essential little parts. And that way I could afford him. So then I discussed that scenario, I told him, I really wanted to have him as a project, I reiterated that I told him, like, reiterated the parks, the benefits, all the things we're gonna give him. But then I said, this is over my budget. So I'm gonna have to go with Plan B. And I could do this, I could hire this team that's way more affordable. Have you work on these smaller projects. So now he went from having 1000s of dollars on the table, to just a few 100 bucks here and there, that's so small, but the project shrunk to him. And I could feel him panic, I could feel it. I knew he did that. And so I made the decision in front of him. I said, Okay, let me think this over, I'm going to come back with a different offer. later on. And right then in there, he dropped his price. And he dropped his price, because the money bird on the table, the money on the hand, is way better. But I also am not teaching you how to Penny pinch, I don't want you to squeeze the pips of people who are super talented. That's not what I'm teaching you here. I'm teaching you the message here is to do your research upfront. Know what your Breaking Point is, know what alternatives you have. So often, we put so many eggs in one basket, whether it's a relationship, whether it's an investor, whether it's a business partner, anything, we put all our eggs thinking this has to work out. If this doesn't work out, what else do I got? I've done it in the past so many times with jobs and other opportunities. Even if you have that cushy job, keep looking around. Now, I'm not saying even if you have the perfect husband, keep looking around, no, not saying that. But always know what your alternatives are. If relationships go bad, have the backup plan. If negotiation goes sour, have the backup plan and know what your Breaking Point is, know what your barriers are, know where the sand line in the sand is. draw that line in the sand. So you're not bending, you're not a doormat anymore, have those barriers up. And I do this with my students who if they nickel and dime for my one on one coaching, no, because I already give them huge value. And I already have a backup student, if you're not in, I've got other people who want to join, I do this with all of my business. And really it was deciding that and here's the interesting thing.


Unknown Speaker  7:53  

I negotiate better than my husband, when it comes to negotiation, whether we're buying a new car, anything, he keeps his lips mouth shut, because he kind of just wants it to be over with. Whereas I enjoy the negotiation, that part I really love. And so he sends me in, and I am always ready to walk away from the table. If there's a we're buying a new car, I'm always ready. If they don't throw in the full package for free, I am ready to walk away from that deal. And that's really how you have to feel you got to be ready to walk away. If you don't get what is good for you. Now, again, you want it to be good for the other person because of any good for them. They, they feel like they got the short end of the stick, they're going to show up a little bit pissed. So make sure it's good for both of you. So to recap, do like do your research upfront, and know what your limits are. Alright, until next time, keep being awesome and keep creating radical shifts. Thank you so much for listening. Now if you want to create a radical shift in your life, all you have to do is head over to the gratitude app.com. And that will take you directly to the app store where you can download it and start using the gratitude app today. Now if you're the type of person who loves to help out family and friends, be sure to share this episode. And if you ever want to reach out to me just head on over to Instagram at Hey, Carla White. I love to hear from you and hear your comments and tell them keeping limitless keeping adventurous and keep creating radical.


Unknown Speaker  9:39  

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